Wednesday, February 26, 2014

* KNH Update *

Dear Reader,

I'm sorry to do this to you again, but I have to skip this weeks "On Wednesdays We Wear" due to how swamped I've been with finishing up my College Transfer Applications. At the moment, I can't really put all of me into this blog. I hope you understand. 

I will be back up and running by either next Wednesday, March 5th, or at latest, March 12th. Thanks for checking in and I hope to be back soon. I miss sharing my fashion favorites with you. 

If you would like to check out some of my favorite clothes, designers, and more, you can take a gander at my Pinterest boards. 

Love Always,
Kirsten Huxtable

P.S. Pinterest is my Mary Poppin's Bag. So much stuff and everything is necessary. :)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hayden Williams - Fashion Designer & Illustrator

My Most Recent Fashion Obsession!!!
Property of Hayden Williams
Fashion Illustrator and designer Hayden Williams creates the     most intricately exquisite drawings of fashion that I ever did lay my eyes on. All of his fashion designs make me want to go back through my old barbie collectors edition magazines and try to recreate some fashion magic. 

“Hayden Williams is a 21 year old fashion illustrator from The United Kingdom. He started drawing, and fell in love with fashion illustration, ever since he was a young boy.
When he was 3 years old he was mostly drawing Disney Princesses, but once he got into fashion design – there was no going back. He started off with drawing illustrations of celebrities in outfits that they have already worn, and they served as his inspiration, but once they noticed his work, he started drawing them in his own designs, and he continues so. However, the dream of having his own collection came true in late 2012 when he created the complete collection for Sketch Street.” (Dihmension Magazine)

Property of Hayden Williams
Now he's caught the attention of people such as Vogue magazine and even the Queen B herself, Mrs. Beyonce Knowles-Carter. Although that is not the only Queen B that has been the spotlight of some of Williams’ fashion designs. Blair Waldorf, a character from the CW hit show Gossip Girl has found her way into Williams' work. Played by the ever so angelic Leighton Meester, Blair is the Queen B in her own right.

Hayden Williams creates fashion designs of an eclectic group of people from Audrey Hepburn to One Direction to the Olsen twins. From casual to catwalk, he has you covered. His talents are endless. I would kill for just the ability to draw a person that does not consist of merely just five straight lines and a circle, let alone his raw talents. (Although stick figures are my specialty, so if you need somebody to draw you, I’ve got you covered.)

Property of Hayden Williams
If you would like to go check out more of his work and learn more about this fantastic British artist, which I highly recommend you do, please click on the link below and it will take you to the marvelous land of his official tumblr, which can then redirect you to such social media as his facebook, twitter, blogspot, pinterest, and more. 

Also he has recently sketched illustrations and designs specifically and exclusively for Beyonce’s official website. So if you have the desire to see more from him, please do go check that out, you will not be disappointed.

    Love Always,

    Hayden Williams:

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

On Wednesdays We Wear: Pink

LOVE may be in the air, but PINK is just plain IN.

"Pretty in Pink"

Here's a little background on me:

For those of you who don't know me outside of this blog, I have a very pale complexion with pink undertones. I used to be called "cherry cheeks" in school and I hated it. So as a growing teenager I overcompensated by covering up every inch of redness on my face with makeup and wouldn't be caught DEAD in any shade of pink on my body. I devoted so much of my time to my strong dislike of the color pink and any signs of it in my life. I would even try my hardest to never buy pink school supplies or household items. To put is short, I was a bit extreme.

Then I grew up. 

I entered college and realized that pink was not a color to be afraid of. Wearing the color pink does not automatically mean I talk with a valley-girl accent, enjoy Chihuahuas, and fluffy things. Instead, wearing pink means I am confident with who I am. Being able to wear pink was a struggle for me, but after learning to cope with my personal issues with the color, I learned to accept and even love it. My favorite colors will remain blue and black, but pink accents are not always a thing to fear.

I hope that wearing the color pink can be seen as a sign of confidence and empowerment for all those who don the beautiful hue.

"I'm loving Pink this Valentines Season"

Photograph: Devon Rachel
Jacket: Nordstrom // Dress: Shoshanna // Sunglasses: Karen Walker // Earrings: Bauble Bar 

Photograph: Pinterest
Similar Sweater: MayKool // Similar Sweater: LAFAYETTE148

Subtle and bohemian. Timeless.
Headband: BethalBohemian

Is it too soon to say "I love you"? I absolutely am infatuated with this look.
Photograph: Pinterest

Photograph: Pinterest
Similar Jeans: ASOS // Similar Shirt: Express (peony)

Photograph: Kiss Me Darling
Sweater: F21  // Heels: F21 (fuchsia) // Tassel Bracelet: Bip & Bop c/o

Photograph: Make Life Easier
Top: Mango // Skirt: // Heels: topshop

Photograph: Pinup Girl Clothing
Skirt: Pinup Girl Clothing

Photograph: How To Chic
Sweater: ROMWE // Necklace: NastyGal

I absolutely love the subtle pops of pink in this sophisticated yet fashionable outfit.
Photograph: Pinterest

Photograph: Luulla
Coat: Luulla
Photograph: The Sweetest Thing
Dress: H&M (similar) // Tights: ASOS // Boots: Hunter // Scarf: F21 (similar) // Wallet: Tory Burch 

This drawing I just found too amazing. The pops of pink and the chetah print coat are brilliant.


I was looking through some of my favorite pink inspired looks and found myself on a post about how to create your own natural powdered blush. Even though I never wear blush because my cheeks are naturally rosy, this is a brilliant idea and I might just try it. 

Check out Brigette's blogpost about homemade blush!

Free People - Brigette

Let me know if you have ever made your own blush and how did it work?

Happy Valentines Day!

Love Always,

I hope you enjoy the upcoming Valentines Day; single, dating, or married. You are beautiful.

Friday, February 7, 2014

On Wednesdays We Wear: Leather

Why I'm LOVING Leather.

Photo: WithLoveFromKat / Jacket: Coach

Photo: FuriousSquirrel / Jacket: Similar

Photo: ExtraPetite / Skirt: H&M

Photo: Pinterest / Skirt: TopShop (similar)

Photo & Pants: TheOxfordTrunk

Photo: Style'dAvenue / Leggings: StyleLately

Photo: GalMeetsGlam / Boots: ToryBurch

Photo: Pinterest / Boots: Etsy-ColeHaan

Photo: EnvisionPretty / Bag: Marshalls (similar)

Photo: DanielWellingtonWatches / Bag: Unknown 

Photo: Pinterest  / Belt: Scotch&Soda

Photo: WhoWhatWear / Scarf: Etsy (similar)


I can't say enough good things about leather. If you've always wanted to add something daring to your wardrobe, look no further. 

Leather can be as simple and edgy as a jacket or as sophisticated and preppy as a pencil skirt. Even if you feel like you can't pull off leather pants quite yet (like me), I challenge you to pick up something leather the next time you go shopping. Try it on and see what happens, sometimes the results will surprise you.

And who knew there was such a thing as a leather scarf? I sure didn't, but now I'm on the lookout for people wearing leather scarves. Take a risk, be adventurous, and give leather a chance. It's popularity does not waver. Leather is here to stay (for the foreseeable future at least). 

Love Always,

Thursday, February 6, 2014

* Update *

Due to my recent travel schedule, my "On Wednesdays We Wear" post, that was supposed to go up Wednesday, will now be coming out on Friday, February 7th. I am sorry for the postponement, but I hope you like what is in store.

If you would like to take a peek at my recent travel adventures, you can follow me on Instagram.

Kirsten Huxtable