Thursday, January 15, 2015

Well Then . . .

Welcome to TWENTY - FIFTEEN!!! 

This isn't a new thing, it's been 2015 for approximately 15 days now, so if this comes as a surprise to anyone, I suggest you call someone who can help you.

Now I have no idea where this year will lead me, and I've decided to forego the concept of "new years resolutions" because a lot of times I choose tasks to large to complete in a mere year. Instead I chose to create a list of goals. Yes, those sound screamingly similar, except my list of goals don't hit completion at the end of the 365 days that are 2015. Instead these are lifelong goals that I want to start making more prominent in my life. It's a way to prioritize myself towards the life I want to live.

So here it is, my list of lifelong goals that I am putting into action starting NOW:


1. Be Healthy

    (probably a pretty common one in most people's books)
2. Move
    (always keep myself in motion; whether that be via exercise, 
     career goals, or simply location)
3. Be Happy
    (probably the hardest on my list, but I strive to find something 
     good in every day)
4. Try New Things
    (nothing but knowledge can come out of new things)
5. Be There
    (for family, friends, or strangers... be more present)
6. Write More
    (I would like to, once again, find beauty in the written word)
7. Believe
    (believe in myself, believe in others, believe in love, 
     believe in pain, believe in monsters, believe in magic,
     believe in something greater)

Keep in mind that this list will grow. I have my entire life to follow through with these goals, I only hope to find pleasure in them sooner than later

I wonder...

If you could create a list of things that would help you live the life you've always dreamed of, what would you put on it? Or maybe you are living your dream life. What do you do to maintain peace of mind, heart, and soul?


Kirsten Nicole Huxtable